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Daily Response:French Food

French Food

Please read the article on French Food here before answering the questions.


1) Food in France is also known as French

  1. a) Fries b) Toast
  2. c) Cuisine                                     d) Cheese


2) French food has influenced the style of cooking throughout 

  1. a) North America      b) Europe
  2. c) Australasia d) Asia


3) In the South of France people prefer to use this in their cooking

  1. a) butter b) canola oil
  2. c) water d) olive oil and garlic


4) A well known type of bread in France is called a 

  1. a) scone         b) baguette
  2. c) crepe d) bun


5) Crepes are usually filled with chocolate sauce and fresh fruit

  1. True                     b) False


6) Crepes are never filled with a savoury filling

  1. a) True                            b) False


7) A well known cheese that the French are famous for is 

  1. a) Colby                    b) Cheddar
  2. c) Camembert d) Mozzarella cheese


8) Ratatouille is a thick stew that is made from these vegetables

  1. a) carrots and peas                       b) lettuce and cabbage
  2. c) kumara and corn                        d) tomatoes and bell peppers


9) The word ratatouille translates to 

  1. a) motley crew b) motley stew
  2. c) motley crue d) mouldy stew


10) Escargot is the French name for 

  1. a) cheese                   b) truffles

c) snails                       d) baguettes

Daily Response:Arctic Animals

Antarctic Animals – Questions

Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.


Emperor Penguins


1) What is the scientific name for Emperor Penguins? 

Aptenodytes forsteri


2) The Emperor penguin is the ____________ of all penguins:

  1. a) Tallest b) Heaviest
  2. c) Smelliest d) a&b




3) What does the blue whale eat?

  1. a) Fish b) Krill
  2. c) Penguins d) a&b


4) How big can Blue Whales grow? 

  1. a) 30m b) 3m
  2. c) 300mm d) 30cm




5) What do the Fur seals eat?

squid, birds, and tiny shrimp.


Leopard Seals


6) What is the scientific name for Leopard seals

Hydrurga leptonyx


7) How much time do they spend in the ocean?

→ More Than 20 Minutes


No Wolves or Polar bears?


8) Wolves and Polar bears live in the? 

  1. a) South Pole b) North Pole
  2. c) Parakai d) a&b


Daily Response:Antarctica

Antarctica – Questions

Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.


Antarctica is a continent


1) Antarctica is the [……….?] most continent. 

  1. a) Northernmost b) Southernmost
  2. c) Easternmost d) Westernmost


2) Antarctica surrounds the north pole.

  1. a) True b) False


3) What does the name Antarctica mean? 

  1. a) Ant Country b) South Country
  2. c) Ice Country d) Opposite to the Arctic


No Countries


4) How many countries are there in the continent of Antarctica? 

  1. a) 23 b) 7
  2. c) 1 d) 0


5) How many countries claim different parts of Antarctica? 

  1. a) 23 b) 7
  2. c) 1 d) 0


6) What language do Native Antarctic people speak?

  1. a) English b) Antarcticguese
  2. c) Antarcticish d) None of the above


Ice Ice Baby


7) What percentage of Antarctica is covered in a giant ice sheet? 

  1. a) 90% b) 4,776%
  2. c) 98% d) 2%


8) What does an Antarctic Oasis mean? 

  1. a) An area without ice b) A band
  2. c) A lake d) A video game


Daylight for Six Months


9) How long does it stay dark in Antarctica 

  1. a) 12 hours b) 12 months
  2. c) 6 weeks d) 6 months


10) What two seasons does Antarctica have?  

  1. a) Spring and Summer b) Winter and more winter

c) Summer and Winter d) Trick question (there are 4 seasons)

Maximus the Giant Dog

Once upon a time there was an old man called Phil. Phil had a dog called maximus. They had the best life together. Until the old man Phil died. Maximus became a stray. One day maximus found a nuclear power plant. He saw so many people doing research on mythical creatures. He thought maybe one of them would want him. But things went wrong. He was wondering  inside of one of the experiment rooms. It had a nuclear reactor and a pool of toxic water many scientists were studying a creature that they were trying to bring back a woolly mammoth. He got so excited because there were so much people he just jumped in the pool of toxic waste as if it was a pool. The people tried to get him out without trying to get splashed but they failed. When the scientists finally got him out of toxic waste they kicked him out. Maximus whimpered sadly. The nest day maximus felt weird almost like he was going through changes weird… changes. Until HE GREW AND GREW AND GREW UNTIL HE WAS GINORMOUS. Maximus swore to kill every human in his path. Nothing could stop him… NOTHING. He began his terrorizing the military fought but failed. But while invading maximus had a flashback about his life with Phil. He stopped fighting and went into hiding. He was hiding around the mountains. Another day passed and maximus felt sadder than ever, and hungry he was so hungry he could eat a hoard of buffalo’s. he kept searching for some food until he saw a group of friends on a hike he made a lot of noise which caused the friend group to run away maximus ate 3 and there was 1 left as the person heard his massive feet thundering behind him, it wasn’t long until he caught up. Maximus was still very hungry. It was the next day but maximus noticed that he shrunk he was happy and returned to the city in search of food but, it wasn’t long until maximus died. That was the end of Maximus the Dog. 

All About Me

My name is Lennox. I am 9 years old. I have one sister. Her name is Isla-May. She is in year 3. My favourite food is Wendy’s. My favourite play to go is to the pools. I like playing cricket and karate. My goal is to do my prize giving dance the best that I can this year.