Month: June 2023

Carrying It On


Ruby, Olivia & Mia: Carrying it on

Listen to Episode →


Digital Citizenship:

  • Behaving responsibly online
  • Respecting others’ privacy
  • Promoting healthy and respectful online interactions.
  • Understanding the impact of words and actions on others
  • Being aware of legal and ethical implications of online behaviour
  • Taking responsibility for own online actions
  • Building and maintaining trust in online relationships by being honest, reliable, and respectful
  • Protecting the trust of others by respecting their privacy and not sharing sensitive information without their consent
What happened in the story (brief summary).
Ruby and Olivia had a Verbal fight.this fight was caused because both Ruby and Olivia were having a bad day.when school finished she got home and Ruby messaged another one of her friends Mia.but little did Ruby know she was sending these messages to Olivia who was scared of what she would do to her.
Can you relate to this problem in your life?
No.I don’t think i could relate to something like this
What could 1 character have done differently?
Ruby couldn’t have continued it online.
What did you learn from the story?
I learnt how important digital citizenship is and to not continue things online


North America

North America has a population of 579 million is made up of 23 countries including mexico, canada, and is the 3rd largest continent behind africa and this information report we will be discussing;History,Tourism,And Sports,



Today we wrote an introduction as a class, we will now be working on writing the manin paragraphs.Stay tuned for more!